
When is Deepawali in 2023 according to the Indian calendar? What is Puja Muhurat?

  Diwali, which is also called Deepavali, is one of the most important Hindu holidays. Millions of people all throughout the world have a hallowed place in their hearts for this festival of lights. This captivating festival, which has its roots in the intricate fabric of Indian culture, symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, wisdom over ignorance, and happiness over hopelessness. This article will teach us everything there is to know about Diwali, including its history, meaning, when it falls in 2023, when Lakshmi Puja is held, how to celebrate, and more. In 2023, when is Diwali? The ancient calendar states that Diwali is celebrated annually on Amavasya, also known as the new moon, which falls on the fifteenth day of the month of Kartik. Diwali will be observed on December 12th, 2023.  Diwali's History and Significance Despite the lack of formal documents on Diwali's origins, many legends surrounding the holiday have the theme of good triumphing over evil. We may say th